Dog Friendly Co Articles

How To Stop Your Dog Biting The Leash: 5 Tips
How To Stop Your Dog Biting The Leash: 5 Tips Hey there, dog owners! Are you frustrated with your pup's constant tugging and biting on the leash during walks? You're not alone. This leash-biting behaviour is a common issue that...
From Pulling to Pro: How to Teach Your Dog to Walk Calmly on a Leash
  Walking your dog is one of the best ways to strengthen your bond with your furry buddy, but getting them to walk on a leash can be tough. Don't worry though, we've got your back! In this article, we'll...
How to train your puppy
Fun and rewarding, training your puppy can be a long process but it’s well worth putting in the time and effort. Some breeds learn to follow commands faster than others, so for some dog owners the process might be a...
How to know if your dog is overweight
If your dog is overweight it can have many negative consequences for their daily life. From hindering their mobility, to putting more pressure on their joints and making them more prone to picking up diseases, there are a lot of...
Running with your dog
Going for a run with your dog is a great way to bond and a perfect way for the two of you to get your daily exercise in together. But, while it might be tempting to just get out there...
Introducing your dog to other dogs and people
  Socialising your dog is a huge part of their growth and development. Not only does it ensure you can trust them around a wide range of different people and dogs, it also gives you peace of mind when uninvited strangers...