
The Anatomy of a Dog Life Jacket

The Anatomy of a Dog Life Jacket

A new trend in dog accessories is the dog life jacket. Although these are particularly popular with boaters, dog owners who are spending time around water in general are taking advantage...

How Much Do Dogs Sleep?

How Much Do Dogs Sleep?

To ensure your dog is healthy and that you’re providing her with everything she needs, it’s crucial to know what is normal behaviour. This includes knowing how much sleep dogs need....

How To Keep Your Dog Warm in Winter

How To Keep Your Dog Warm in Winter

Just like you, your dog feels uncomfortable when the temperature becomes cold in the winter. However, unlike you, your dog can’t pull on a sweater or take an extra blanket...

Dog Leash Comparison - How to Choose the Best Dog Leash

Dog Leash Comparison - How to Choose the Best D...

When you go leash shopping for your dog, you’re faced with numerous different styles, lengths, and materials. But what type of leash is best for dogs? Unfortunately, there’s no simple answer...

New Puppy Checklist: The Essentials

New Puppy Checklist: The Essentials

Bringing a new puppy into your family is exciting — but you may feel a bit overwhelmed by all the things you need to do to prepare your home and...

dog harness vs leash

Dog Harness vs Leash: What's Best For Your Dog?

Unless you’ve trained your dog to walk off the leash, you’ll need to secure him with appropriate equipment to keep him safe. But what is the most appropriate equipment? Your...